#NotAGBT Breaking News: CAKSeq announce legal challenge against CrapBio

Woah, the news is hotting up at AGBT's parallel conference #notAGBT (the anti-conference for those too impoverished, disillusioned or lazy to make it to AGBT this year). This press release just in from Chad Bower at CAKSeq suggesting CrapBio's machine - announced yesterday - might have hit serious problems before it's even released! Release follows:

Today the CEO of the UK public-private partnership company CAKSeq announced a legal challenge against UK startup CrapBio claiming the core technology infringes a number of their patents.

Chad Bower, CEO of CAKSeq, said “we have been doing this for years, the core principals behind the randomized base calling technology that is central to SHT sequencing was patented by CAKSeq years ago …. CrapBio has simply repackaged it” he continued .. “although out technology could only read 2 bases (G and A) , its average accuracy was the same”

However Neil Hall, CEO of CrapBio, who are talk of the town at the current #notAGBT conference in Birmingham, UK. Said “their so called “di-base encryption” technology is far inferior to ours. They use CAKspace base calling that does not read the base itself but simply probability of any base being a G or a C. This is computationally expensive and totally useless.”

Chad Bower responded that their technology “had some advantages once it was mapped to a high quality reference and had a niche for certain applications” he continued if customers buy our CAK-Scope software suite the di-base encryption will be dealt with “under the hood”.

Mack Witson, the brains behind the CrapBio system and SHT-head scientist said “I have never heard of CAKSeq and if I had I would have forgotten about them already, this di-base encryption is a joke.”