Sequencing in the U.K.

James Hadfield has created a very nice community curated map of all known next-generation sequencing facilities. Although perhaps not 100% accurate it gives a good feel for the relative adoption of 454, Solexa and ABI in the UK. I've summarised the table as of today (plus adding in Birmingham's new 454 machine). Excluding the Sanger Centre which skews the result, it can be seen that Solexa is just in the lead with 12 machines, closely followed by 454 with 9 machines and with ABI SoLiD trailing with just 3.  Sanger are listed as having 40 Solexas (but curiously no 454s, but I know from a previous visit they have at least a couple) which obviously puts Illumina in clear first place in the UK. If you know of more machines, don't tell me but instead post on this thread.


Apologies to my alma mater for leaving in the 'Westfield', force of habit, of course back in the day we just called it Barts & the London!

Update: Prof Neil Hall from Liverpool's Centre for Genomic Research has written to say they now have two 454s installed! As the data is constantly changing, please refer to the original Google Map for the current scores on the doors.