Properly awesome: HiSeq 2500 2x151 rapid run streaming to BaseSpace

OK, I think this is awesome enough to share with you guys. These are some metagenomics samples being run on a HiSeq 2500 in 2x151bp rapid run mode, with the results being streamed to BaseSpace in real-time.

What I love about this is that the various statistics and metrics update in real-time. I spent a very happy evening last night watching the counter tick up between each cycle (currently on cycle 186/318, should finish tonight some time).

[caption id="attachment_1406" align="alignright" width="978"] BaseSpace main page showing flowcells currently running[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1407" align="alignnone" width="1058"] The current run summary: projected total yield 96.3Gb (1 flowcell) with 91.8% >= Q30! And over 4Gb of barcode sequences![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_1412" align="alignright" width="324"]Flowcell intensities A visual map of flowcell intensities: looks like slightly higher intensity at the top of each lane[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1404" align="aligncenter" width="469"] Quality score histogram[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1405" align="aligncenter" width="478"] Quality score heatmap: looks fairly similar to the MiSeq[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1402" align="aligncenter" width="471"] Cluster densities per lane (2 lanes per flowcell on HiSeq 2500, up to 2 flowcells at a time - not necessarily synchronised)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1401" align="aligncenter" width="476"] Intensities per sample - note boost at cycle 100[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1415" align="aligncenter" width="514"] We loaded some samples at higher concentration but one of the barcodes seems to be out of whack (and different from our MiSeq test run)[/caption]

Conflict of interest disclaimer: These samples are being run by Illumina UK for us (for free).