Sequencing instruments by number

A quick one: I made this plot earlier today for a presentation. The data is from our Omicsmaps site which I curate with James Hadfield. Didn't actually use it in the end but thought I'd post it in case it was useful for someone. Notable is the rise in HiSeq reciprocated by the decline in GA2 placements, the plateauing of SOLiD and 454, and the inexorable rise of the bench-top instruments.

There are >2500 instruments in the database, which seems a lot, but I assume it is just a fraction of the total installed base these days. Still interesting to see the relative trends I think.

R code is here:

[code language="R"]
varying=c("number_454", "number_ga2", "number_hiseq",
"number_miseq", "number_ion_torrent",
"number_solid", "number_pacbio"),
times=c("number_454", "number_ga2", "number_hiseq",
"number_miseq", "number_ion_torrent",
"number_solid", "number_pacbio"),
stats<-ggplot(newomics, aes(x=as_of_date, y=value, colour=Platform)) +
stat_summary(fun.y="sum", geom="point") +
opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=45, vjust=1, hjust=1)) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) +
scale_y_continuous("Number of instruments") +
ggsave("instrument_stats.png", stats, width=8, height=6)
ggsave("instrument_stats.pdf", stats, width=8, height=6)

The raw data can be downloaded from the public Google Fusion Table.

Update: Bastien Chevreux mentioned that the colours were hard to distinguish, so I added shapes as well.

Creative Commons License
Number of sequencing machines by platform by Nick Loman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.