Birmingham Fellows: the University of Birmingham needs you!

The University of Birmingham has recently launched this Birmingham Fellows scheme:

We are looking for exceptional young post-doc researchers who will be future leaders in their field. I have been briefed by our PVC for Research, Adam Tickell, that we are looking for truly exceptional individuals not just "quite good", i.e. you must have an impressive publication track record (commensurate with age and experience). Also, you have to be within seven years of getting your PhD to qualify as a "bright young thing".

Sorry if these stringent criteria put you off!

But on the plus side, this scheme provides fellowships which lead to permanent lectureships at the end of five years. So, you could walk out of your post-doc and into a permanent job in a few months time. In fact, if you have research funds already, you could start sooner than that!

Applications have to be in by Sept 2nd. Priority areas are listed on the web site and include microbiology:

Follow this link to look at our recent publications (occasional false hit from PubMed, but provides good overview of what's going on here).

Contact me ( for informal enquiries about applications underthe microbiology theme.