Reminder: Abstract Deadline for Applied Public Health and Bioinformatics Conference Approaching

Just a quick reminder that the abstract deadline is fast approaching (Tuesday, April 26th) for the Applied Public Health and Bioinformatics conference at Hinxton Hall, Cambridge. If you haven't registered, I'd recommend doing so now. There's going to be some great talks including Jennifer Gardy talking about her recent NEJM paper on linking social networks with whole-genome sequencing of tuberculosis plus the always compelling Julian Parkhill discussing his recent S. pneumoniae paper and no doubt other interesting studies.. There are scientific (rather than sales pitch) talks from the major sequencer manufacturers including Illumina, Pacific Biosciences and Life Tech / Ion Torrent. We're hoping that anyone doing good work using whole-genome sequencing for microbial diagnosis, surveillance or epidemiology will submit an abstract. We aim to pick a good number of talks from the submissions. Plus the conference is in the lovely, leafy Hinxton conference centre within walking distance to the Red Lion pub and the Sanger Institute. Hope to see you there!